Introducing Watson Supply Chain

We wanted people to get excited about complex enterprise products, and because of our teaser video, they did.


Experience Design / Visual Design

Watson Supply Chain is a suite of applications that allow business customers to track and manage their orders, vendors, and buyers through every step in the supply chain process. It includes managing business partner relationships,and tracking orders and supply routes. Eventually, it will make cognitive predictions and note patterns that simplify analysis so that business customers can focus on making decisions that are right for their needs.


The inspiration for this project was to try and create a promotion that would generate excitement for our product portfolio. We wanted to try something simple but bold, relying on text and typography, instead of images and diagrams, to tell its story with emphasis. Could we convey what Watson Supply Chain could offer customers in a 30-second video versus a visually sparse, long-winded slideshow?


I planned the flow of the video using storyboards with my co-designer. Then with a video designer, we put it all together. We chose the then official IBM blue as our background. While our specific product had a designated color of its own, we eventually wanted our video to represent the whole portfolio. Finally, we added the tagline “complex made simple” which perfectly illustrated our product and our vision in a nutshell.


The teaser was shown at a customer conference (InterConnect 2017) where Kareem Yusuf, our former Vice President (Offering Management & Development, Watson Customer Engagement) gave the video high praise. Our teaser video delighted the customers who saw it at the InterConnect conference. It was an exciting experience to see that our idea had such a positive effect.


What you see above are recreated snippets of the final product.

You can see the original video below.

See how complex is made simple with IBM Watson Supply Chain.


Designing a Design Process


Cognitive Experience for BTI